Hollywood lately has seemingly had two odd trends: creating a massive intertwined ensemble film (New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day) or adapting a property that had seemed previously un-adaptable (Battleship). What to Expect When You're Expecting manages to pull off both in the same film.
What to Expect When You're Expecting - 2012, rated PG-13. My rating as a new dad: 7. My rating had I not just had a child: 5.
Like the other massive ensemble films, WTEWYE tells the stories of several women that are pregnant or adopting all around the same time, women whose lives are linked in some ways that are tenuous at best. With an all-star cast, the people involved in the film help to make it very likable. The stories are touching, funny, heartwarming, and tragic, depending on the character. This film is designed to pull on the heartstrings (or maybe on the ovaries?) of its viewers, and I'm sure it was more successful in reaching women and new dads. Were I not a new father (I saw this film when my son was 9 months old, even though this isn't going to post to the blog for several months), I probably would have found this movie to be overly saccharine and cheesy. But as a new dad not far removed from the trials of pregnancy and fatherhood, I found the movie to be funny and entertaining. I guess I'm getting sentimental in my old age? Anyways, if you're a parent to be or a recent parent, go watch this film. If you're under 20 and have no plans on having a kid any time soon, wait to watch this until you are on this journey, otherwise you'll hate this movie.
Interesting note that my amuse only me: This is my 100th post under just the PCP section of the blog. Wow I can't believe I've hit that many posts already. Sweet. I do need to work on my balance though, the PCP section has about triple the combined posts of the other two categories.
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