- Ben-Hur
- The Big Lebowski
- Blade Runner
- Dazed & Confused
FargoSeen & reviewed- Gone With the Wind
- The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
- Goodfellas
- The Hurt Locker
- Lawrence of Arabia
- The Night of the Living Dead (original)
Seven SamuraiSeen & reviewed- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
- Swingers
The Thing (original)Seen & reviewed
Ok so those 15 are considered to be at least cult classics if not outright classics, and a number of them are on many top 100 all time film lists. I even own over a third of them, I just haven’t gotten around to watching them yet. So tell me which one you’d like to see reviewed first (in the comments, Facebook, or Twitter), and I’ll start a new series of reviews here on the blog where I review a movie from this list as a standalone, full length review.
Ok that’s all for today. Check back later this week and I’ll have some reviews up for some more movies, or maybe a post based on the outcome of today’s GOP primaries in Arizona and Michigan in the POS section of my blog. Thanks for stopping by!
So far based on comments on Facebook and Twitter, Seven Samurai is in the lead for movie I need to watch first, but a bunch of others have also gotten votes too as an FYI to all. Now it comes down to which I can talk my wife in to watching with me first.