Thanks for coming back to CRAPOLA. It’s time for your next hit of PCP – Pop Culture Panorama. Today I’ll be posting reviews of 5 2011 action movies that I caught on DVD recently, obviously after my big 2011 review clearout that you can read here. They are: Abduction; Cowboys & Aliens; Pirates of the Caribbean 4; Rise of the Planet of the Apes; & The Thing. These films were a mix of boring, disappointing, surprisingly good, and average, in some cases all at once at the same time. Read on to see which are worth watching, and which are not worth your time.
Abduction – 2011, Rated PG-13. 106 minutes. Starring: Taylor Lautner, Lily Collins, Alfred Molina, Maria Bello, Jason Isaacs, Sigourney Weaver, & Michael Nyqvist. My rating: 5 out of 10.
Abduction is Hollywood’s attempt to cash in on the Twilight franchise and turn Taylor Lautner into an action star in his own right, without him having to turn into a werewolf. In this film, he plays the son of Maria Bello & Jason Isaacs, or at least that is what he thinks. However, he finds himself on a missing children’s website and realizes his parents aren’t who he thought they were. Without spoiling too many details of the plot, it turns out that yes they weren’t his parents, but they weren’t the bad guys either, they were instead his bodyguards as his real dad is apparently someone really important to the U.S. government. This means that the title of the film is false, there is no actual abduction, and we learn that about a quarter of the way into the movie. Maybe a better title of the movie would have been something else, I dunno.
Lautner is forced to go on the run when the bad guys show up and off his bodyguards/parents, and he takes with him Lily Collins (daughter of singer Phil Collins) and her enormous eyebrows. Seriously, that girl needs to pluck or wax or something. If I didn’t know she was Phil Collins’ daughter, I’d think she was Martin Scorsese’s, they’re that huge, bushy and dark. They’re also incredibly distracting and any time she is on screen my wife and I were laughing at how badly she needs a plucking. Anyways, so Lautner & Collins are on the run, and the film follows typical action move tropes. Lautner does show that he is capable of a good fight though, both in an early sparring match with Isaacs and later with a villain on a train. Sigourney Weaver, Alfred Molina & Michael Nyqvist (playing the villain for the 2nd time in 2011, he also was the baddie of Mission Impossible 4) also turn up in the film in supporting roles. It’s amazing that they were able to get so many quality actors to turn up in such an average movie. Overall, this movie probably only will appeal to people on Team Jacob, or to teenagers in general. To everyone else, don’t waste your time.

Cowboys & Aliens – 2011, Rated PG-13. 119 minutes. Starring: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde, & Sam Rockwell. My rating: 5 out of 10.
When I first heard about this movie, bringing together James Bond, Indiana Jones/Han Solo, Thirteen, & directed by the director of Iron Man, I got really excited about the movie. I like sci-fi, I like westerns, & I like the people involved in this flick. I circled the date on the calendar that this would come out in theaters (although I had to wait for it on DVD) and I thought to myself at the time “what could possibly go wrong?”
The answer to that – a lot. The film doesn’t do a great job of explaining things, it sort of just expects viewers to just sit back and watch Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford take names and kick alien ass. Unfortunately, they’re not exactly sympathetic characters. Ford in fact is pretty much a total douche for the majority of the movie. It’s kind of painful to watch one of my favorite screen heroes playing such an awful character, when you’re so used to him being such a lovable icon. They also don’t explain until way close to the end what the deal is with Olivia Wilde, and also how Daniel Craig has amnesia and got the alien weapon grafted on to his wrist. Also, way too many of the scenes with the aliens take place in the dark, and as such there are not a lot of good looks at them. It almost seems low-budget, or they are compensating for crappy CGI. But when they do show the aliens, they look cool, so I wish they had shown more of them. Also, the film never really explains why the aliens are abducting people. That’s just left unresolved. And finally, the film for good stretches is just boring or cliché. Of all the movies in 2011 that I was most looking forward to, this one wound up being the most disappointing.
Read the other 3 reviews after the jump!